This week has been good, we got a new mission president! Sadly, Presidente Obeso, the last one, had to leave a year early because he has cancer and needed to go back home and start his treatment. Now we have Presidente Isom, from Wyoming, and he is amazing. Every other 6 weeks, we have interviews with the president, and with cambios coming up next week, we had the interviews early so he could get to know everyone before making any changes to the mission. I have no idea if I will stay in my sector, Rahue Alto I or not. Or if I will have a new companion. I think I would like to stay because I really like my trainer and I think that with as quickly as I am learning spanish, I can start to be more useful to the people in the ward and help the people we meet more. My mission is a hard mission, but I know that everything we do helps build up the Lord's kingdom somehow, some way. That always helps me feel better when I am getting discouraged.
So, last night, we were with the Chacón family, and Sister Chacón made this really weird cake. It's cake with chicken and aji, aji is a spicy sauce, as the "frosting". I like chicken, and I like cake, but I don't think I like chicken and cake together. :)
Anywho, that's all I have for you this week. Until next!
I love you guys!
Hermana Frerichs
Hey Mom!

By the way, this is the picture I sent her. I was walking around the park playing Pokemon Go! and found a small snake sunning himself on the sidewalk. I sent this to my husband who is paranoid of snakes (yes it was mean) and then on FB and to her and Josh. by the way, don't pick up snakes and they really aren't "rare pokemon".
Sorry I haven't been sending pictures, I know you guys are dying. I am too! I really meant to send pictures today, but the other hnas. in my ward wanted to use my camera for a baptism and the camera died and they haven't given it back, yet. I promise promise promise to send SOMETHING next week. Also, the picture you took of the snake is SO FUNNY. It looks like a meme you'd find flooded all over facebook! I miss facebook. I'm incredibly curious about how many notifications I will have built up over a year and a half! It'll take me hours to go through everything! xD
Josh sent pictures and I have some of Caley at the Mexico City MTC!
By the way, this is the picture I sent her. I was walking around the park playing Pokemon Go! and found a small snake sunning himself on the sidewalk. I sent this to my husband who is paranoid of snakes (yes it was mean) and then on FB and to her and Josh. by the way, don't pick up snakes and they really aren't "rare pokemon".